Friday, October 11, 2013

We want our kids to grow... Why not ourselves?

As I sit and ponder what to blog about this week, I am so overwhelmed with emotions and ideas it is hard to pick just one thing. However, there is something that keeps circling back around in my brain.

What exactly is my purpose?

I know there is probably a technical term or definition for my job. I am sure it is listed in a place most people don't go or it is written in language I even have a hard time understanding. Is this a bad thing? Nope! But, I am going to step out of the adult language for a little bit and put it into kid language.

"What is your job?" I am a student performance coach.

"Well what does that mean?" I work WITH teachers to help them grow and learn new ideas.
Plain and simple. :-)

Does that mean if I work with someone that they are "bad"?

Well... if you work with a high reader does that mean they can't read? Of course not!

You are there to guide their growth and help them achieve goals they didn't know or think they were capable of. That's me, only my focus is teachers.

Now for my breakdown of it...

I am just another team member. I am another mind to bounce ideas off of. I am another educator who can come and model things in the classroom just to give a different perspective or new ideas. I can help you find resources and organize them in an effective and purposeful way. I can track things for you such as student engagement, types of questions you are asking or even the ratio you call on students.

So if you find yourself saying "Oh my gosh! What am I doing? This is so confusing!" I might be the answer or the clarification you need.

Have a fabulous Friday. Good luck with conferences next week.


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